Frequently Asked Questions

Why do you only take small breeds?

This is for the safety of all the dogs and puppies at playcare. We want to ensure that all the dogs come away with a positive experience every time they come to playcare and dog parents will never have to worry about accidents occurring.

I can see you have a couple of medium sized dogs - why are they allowed?

The couple of medium-sized dogs we have came to playcare as puppies and we know them inside and out! They have grown up with the playcare pack and we are 100% confident in their interactions with the smaller dogs and puppies.

What is the behavioural evaluation and why does my dog have to pass this to come to playcare?

The behavioural evaluation involves you bringing your dog to playcare for 30 minutes while you are present and a staff member will monitor how your dog interacts with the group and vice versa. This is for the safety of all the dogs (and staff) at playcare. We will not accept any dogs that display any signs of aggression, including resource guarding (we like sharing toys). We also want to make sure your dog is going to be comfortable for the day.

Why don’t you take the dogs off-site?

We provide a fully enclosed and multi-area outdoor space filled with enrichment and new smells. We know this space inside and out and there are no external factors that may impede your dog’s health and safety. With frequent reports of dog attacks and baiting at dog parks and beaches, we just don’t believe it is worth the risk. Your dog will have plenty of space to exercise, socialise and enjoy the fresh air - in a safe space.

Are you trained in pet first aid?

Yes - we are certified by Australian Red Cross in pet first aid and have a first aid kit on site.

Do you use positive reinforcement at playcare?

Yes, we are well-versed in operant conditioning and believe strongly in the science and evidence behind practicing positive reinforcement to maintain or improve behaviour. Your dog will never be punished at playcare but rather rewarded when we see behaviour we like! Please reach out if you would like to discuss any behaviour goals or have any questions on positive reinforcement.

How old does my dog have to be to come to playcare?

We can take your puppy as soon as he or she has been vaccinated and cleared by your vet for socialisation!

Do you feed the dogs?

We will provide treats for your dogs however if you have a puppy who still needs a midday meal, you will need to provide this food. You will have the option to mention any dietary requirements or allergies when you register online.